Monday, November 26, 2012

Guidelines For a Successful Product Launch

If you are considering about launch your first product, or trying to launch another product to your market, you may want to read this article. Here you will find out one of the most important elements that should exist in your product, how to draft your product launch message so as to attract customers to buy from you, and how to prepare your product launch. Once you finished reading this article, you will be clear about how to do a successful product launch.

First of all, before launching your product, the most critical element is that your product should be a completed, effective solution that can help someone out of his or her trouble. You should answer this question before you launch your product: why people should buy from you? It is because no one will spend money to buy any product that is useless. So before any product launch, ask yourself if your product help people to reach their desired goal or solve their particular problems? Once you identify that, you can then draft your sales message about your product launch.

Your message on product launch is critical and therefore, you need to be very careful about it. So in the first place, your sales page headline should be able to capture your audience attention immediately. Then explain to your customer what your product or service is and how it can help your customers to achieve their goal. At last but not the least, explain why they should buy from you instead of buying from your competitors, and what kind of benefits they will get when they bough from you. And when you finish preparing your message, you can then now start your product launch.

To prepare your product launch, you should already have a business and sales strategy available when you launch your product. Generally speaking, it is about having a good product and does good marketing on that product. So before launching your product, your business should have your own customer database. Customer database is the asset of your business. If you have customer database that is big enough and if you have good relationship with your customer, the whole product launch process will be very smooth. Your next step is to send email to your list several times with the message you create in previous steps.

Then after warming up your list, you will be able to start telling them your product and when it will be launched. Finally, close your shopping cart after a week so as to show your customer that, if you don't buy it now, you cannot buy it later. This is the whole process of launching your product.

Now that you understand the whole process of launching your product, I hope that you can get start working on your own product launch. Remember your product should be completed before launching. And then write your message clearly so as to tell your customers that what is inside your product and why they should buy from you. Finally you should build your own customer list and market to them by email to notify about your product launch. So take action and launch your own product now!

5 Website Savvy, Yet Simple Steps to Launch Your Product or Service   Infoprenuer Ideas: Little Niche Sites Will Keep You Poor   I Have a New Product Now - How Can I Sell It Online?   Integrated Product Launching Strategies   Promoting and Marketing Your Online Product   

Ask Yourself These Questions Before Your Next Product Launch

You woke up with a start in the middle of the night... You have an idea for a fabulous new program that will truly change people's lives (and hopefully make you some good money too). You zipped off an e-mail to your virtual assistant at 2 a.m. - telling her to get ready for the tsusami because you'll be launching the new product in your next newsletter...

Whoa... slow down!

That is not the way to successfully launch a new program or product. You may in fact make money if you do a quick launch.. but taking a deep breath and taking time to plan will multiply the results of your efforts (have you downloaded my free launch planner yet?).

Before you get too deep into your product launch, take some time to answer the following two questions. Who benefits from this information? and What problem does this solve for my target audience?

The most important thing to nail down *very* early in the product launch process is your ideal client for the service (also known as your target audience. Often narrowing down your target audience is *very* tricky for heart based entrepreneurs. You want to help everyone who needs your help. But, you can actually help more people when you are focused because by writing specifically for your very tightly defined niche you make it easier for the people who would benefit most from your help to find you.

When writing your promotional material, take a moment, close your eyes and visualize your ideal client for this product. What is their name? How old are they? What do they look like. Write your content like you are writing a personal letter to just them. When your client reads the letter, they will think that you've read their mind.

In addition to knowing who you are writing for - you need to be very clear on what problem you are solving for them. To some extent, people buy products because they like you (and because you write just for them) but mostly, to get a client to give you hard earned money - you need to be solving a problem for them. As a heart based entrepreneurs, this is easier for you than for many. Of course, you want to help and to serve your clients. The key here is to take the time to really think about the benefits of your new program or product and to express them clearly in you product launch sales copy.

5 Website Savvy, Yet Simple Steps to Launch Your Product or Service   Infoprenuer Ideas: Little Niche Sites Will Keep You Poor   I Have a New Product Now - How Can I Sell It Online?   Integrated Product Launching Strategies   Promoting and Marketing Your Online Product   

7 Ways to Spark Interest in Your Product So You Can Sell More

Selling an information product online through a website is a great way to make a substantial income. Probably the best part about using this business model is the fact that once you get it set up and running, you can receive income passively for years to come. There are many ways to create demand for your product and increase the amount of sales you make. Here is a list of seven ways to help you spark interest so you can sell more and make more money.

1. Don't just sell your product, make sure that you are also giving them value and a bunch of freebies to go right along with it. If the visitor is hesitant about buying your product, help them make their decision by giving them free stuff with their purchase. It helps also to let them know the value of freebies you are giving away.

2. Make sure that your sales page is telling a story rather than just selling your product. You want to relate to your visitor and make them understand that you understand where they are coming from and how your product has helped others.

3. Use attention drawing headlines and bold faced font to garner attention and attract the visitor to what you are offering. These words and font styles will no doubt catch the eye of the reader and attract them to the key points and highlights of the offer that they can't refuse.

4. The best way to sell a product is to see yourself as your visitor. Picture exactly what someone who might buy your product would look for in a website and set the website up with this in mind. This might mean you will need to add videos, testimonials, or other flash graphics to increase your conversion rate.

5. Create a sense of urgency by setting a time frame for a great deal. Make the visitor have to make a decision now instead of having the chance to ponder the decision over. If they have to make an impulse decision, they may choose to buy now.

6. Surprise the visitor with a free gift just for visiting your website. If you offer great free content or a gift, then they will more than likely appreciate it and remember what kind of person you are and be more inclined to buy from you.

7. Always up sell or back end sell your customers. Give them the option to upgrade or buy a product that will compliment the other.

5 Website Savvy, Yet Simple Steps to Launch Your Product or Service   Infoprenuer Ideas: Little Niche Sites Will Keep You Poor   I Have a New Product Now - How Can I Sell It Online?   Integrated Product Launching Strategies   Promoting and Marketing Your Online Product   There Is More to a Product Launch Than Merely Marketing - Book Review   

Video Marketing Goldmine Review - Sean Donahoe's New Product

Thousands of people are now waiting for the actual launch of Video Marketing Goldmine. This is because it has already received great comments from people who are lucky enough to test drive this video course before its actual launch. They are very satisfied with the quality of the program and learned techniques that are easy to implement. When you decided to join Video Marketing Goldmine on launch day, you will get access to their 14-hour video course. This video course is divided into manageable groups so it will be easier for you to learn. There are 13 videos inside the main training section and 9 videos inside the advanced training section. Bonus videos and trainings are also included inside the member's area. These bonuses are also very useful to your video marketing campaigns and it is connected to the main and advanced courses. Another great thing is that, Sean Donahoe also includes example of his existing online campaigns so you can easily understand the process. Killer and proven video templates are also available exclusively for their members.

If you want to save the whole course, they have a feature where you can download all the lessons. Videos are available for download in different formats like mp3, iPod, and iPhone versions. You can also download each module in full PDF transcripts. One of the best that you can use inside the member's area is their Question and Answer section. This is a very powerful feature because you can ask questions whenever you are in trouble on your video projects and this will help you succeed much further. You will learn a lot of great stuff inside Video Marketing Goldmine and if you take action on what Sean Donahoe will teach you, it will surely bring you huge profits and consistent decent income.

5 Website Savvy, Yet Simple Steps to Launch Your Product or Service   Infoprenuer Ideas: Little Niche Sites Will Keep You Poor   I Have a New Product Now - How Can I Sell It Online?   Integrated Product Launching Strategies   Promoting and Marketing Your Online Product   There Is More to a Product Launch Than Merely Marketing - Book Review   

Are You Only A Spender On Internet Marketing Product Launches?

This article is targeted to newbies in the online marketing industry or those that aren't new yet continually buy new products without ever really putting previous purchases into practice or are simply continual money spenders. It involves some things to think about before jumping onto a future "big launch". I hope you benefit from it!

I have heard people say that it is very difficult to keep up with the online marketing industry since there is something new happening every day. Product launches today are as frequent as ever. That is only partly true. What I am about to reveal will save many a lot of frustration.

If you completely believe that things are always changing and you must keep up with it via buying every latest, greatest product that gets launched, you will always be filled with overload and feel as though the weight of the world is constantly pounding your shoulders. You will then never get anything done. Every time a product owner says "buy now" you'll buy. You'll think that this latest product launch is the secret to solving everything. The actual result though is that each month after every product launch, you keep falling a month further behind in terms of having a business that actually works or succeeding with online marketing.

Here's the real truth: A clear majority (90%) of what's "new and different' is completely irrelevant. A waste of your precious time. Only 10% is ever going to make a difference for you.

The basics to online marketing have been the same ever since the late 1990s. Taking the perspective of actually selling things to people, there are only about a dozen things that have been major developments. These include:

Autoresponders Online auctions Shopping carts PayPal Pay Per Click (PPC) Social media / social networking i.e. Facebook and Twitter Live chat / instant messaging Blog software Streaming audio & video e.g. YouTube

In other words there's only about one major development per year. Not 100!

You are correct in arguing that within all these there are other smaller major developments. But "there's nothing new under the sun". This is not being pessimistic; it's allows for you massive time savings. Bill Gates said computers would increase leisure time by 30%. Hmm, is that correct for when you look around today? How many instead reveal the opposite having a job (or jobs), looking after the kids, family time, sport and recreation and any other appointments?

Success comes from mastering the basics, not from widespread panic or continual change and movement. The surface of this industry is always changing but the core aspects of main importance stay generally the same. As you master the core principles, you rapidly see how to apply them when new things pop-up and come along. When you can immediately recognize what part of a product launch or brand new whiz-bang item is not new, that's when you have the ability to profit from it. Not everything that was old becomes new again

I can 100% guarantee that over the next few years and probably forever, new innovations will arise that are currently unimagined. Billion dollar empires will emerge from nowhere. This will lead to a multitude of people yelling and shouting at you, urging you to join the bandwagon. But you will discover that the "hype-sters" won't know how to use what's new because they never understood what worked before. The reason why people go from 0 to freedom in such speed is because they focus and master what they want or have chosen to succeed with.

Consider that when you learn from masters. Therefore when you hone your skills like a master, instead of being the frantic, distracted, chaotic blue belt, you can be the calm, confident, cool as a cucumber black belt. You can be that champion who quietly steps onto the mat and demolishes his opponent with three lightning-speed strikes. Without so much as breaking a sweat.

Master the basics. Become a black belt. Find the old within the new, and discover how to function at an entirely new level of calmness and confidence.

5 Website Savvy, Yet Simple Steps to Launch Your Product or Service   Infoprenuer Ideas: Little Niche Sites Will Keep You Poor   I Have a New Product Now - How Can I Sell It Online?   Integrated Product Launching Strategies   

Product Launch Manager: How to Hire the Right Set of Skills to Work on Your Business

It is important to think carefully about who you hire to run your launch campaign. After all, you are hiring someone to structure and execute the sale of your new product and you want a professional that can deliver results. Here are a few of the frequently asked questions about the core skills you should be looking to hire.

Q: What core skills should I look for in my Product Launch Manager?

A: The most important skill you are hiring is the skill of a consultant. As the business owner, you want someone you trust to work directly with you and manage all elements of the launch process. Remember that the technical skills such as copywriting and web design can be outsourced. Your choice of professional is someone that can listen to your vision, understand the goals of your business, and develop a sequenced marketing campaign that will deliver results for you.

Q: Why is it so important for the professional I choose to understand Jeff Walker 's Product Launch Formula (PLF)?

A: I wouldn't say that this is "mandatory", but it definitely helps! You want your launch campaign to tell a story, have a sequence, and position your product for breakthrough sales. You want to know that the person you hire is using an already successful system to customize a strategy for you. Product Launch Formula is the most efficient process for turning prospects into customers and it helps greatly if the person you hire has studied this system.

As you prepare for your upcoming launch promotion, you will learn that there are many moving parts to manage and it is easy to get overwhelmed. As you look for help, make sure to choose a professional that you trust to build, manage, and execute a customized launch plan.

5 Website Savvy, Yet Simple Steps to Launch Your Product or Service   Infoprenuer Ideas: Little Niche Sites Will Keep You Poor   I Have a New Product Now - How Can I Sell It Online?   Integrated Product Launching Strategies   

5 Simple Keys to a Successful and BUZZ-Worthy Launch!

You've listened carefully to what your market wants. In response, you've crafted your new offering with care. You are sure it's going to be hit and you're ready to begin racking up those sales.

Tah-dah! You are ready to unveil your new product or service....and then....nothing.

Uh-oh. What went wrong?

Well, you could have the most amazing offering in the world, but if you are not using some form of a launch strategy when you are ready to begin selling a new service or product, you could already be dead in the water.

Unfortunately, "if you build it they will come" does not apply here!

The solution? You need to create an increasing BUZZ and sense of excitement about your upcoming offer in order to increase the chances that people will buy. In fact, what is known as the "pre-launch" period is arguably more important than the launch itself-and take it from me, it can make a HUGE difference in the number of sales that you make.

It actually starts with the strong foundation of having a list you have been building a relationship over time with-a list who you have been continuously asking about what it is they most need help with. However, don't forget to incorporate these other important strategies for your most successful launch ever.

Objections: Through surveys to your list, comments on your blog or your interactions through social media, you will often uncover potential objections to your offering. Don't cringe, though! This is actually a good thing to know, because you can then make sure you answer each of the objections for your prospect on the sales page for your new product or service.

Testimonials: If you have offered the product/program before and have testimonials, by all means gather them for the launch. If it is the first time you are offering it, consider giving it to colleagues for free in exchange for (an honest) testimonial prior to the launch.

A Complimentary Preview Call or Webinar: When I am launching something new, I spend just as much time and energy promoting a no-charge preview call all about the topic my new product, course or service will be covering. Why? Getting as many people as possible on an info-packed call about a topic they've raised their hand and said they care about is smart. Once they experience your knowledge, personality and excitement first-hand, they are more likely to buy once you tell them-live on the call-that your offering is ready for purchase.

Time Limit: Creating a sense of urgency around the release of a new offering can be a really effective strategy. This is one of my favorite techniques to use and it always results in more sales. For example, consider offering special bonuses or a price break for the people who buy within a certain time frame. (This is perfect for announcing on the aforementioned preview call.) Limited Quantity: With physical products, if you are only producing a certain number of them, be sure to make this known. A big buzz-builder tip: keep people informed periodically as the number available decreases via your website or by emailing your list.

Finally, make it an event! The idea is to build up as much buzz, excitement and anticipation as you can. Once you've done that, you can count on more "ka-ching" than ever before.

Happy launching!

5 Website Savvy, Yet Simple Steps to Launch Your Product or Service   Infoprenuer Ideas: Little Niche Sites Will Keep You Poor   I Have a New Product Now - How Can I Sell It Online?   Integrated Product Launching Strategies   

Baby Boomers: A Way To Make Big Money

Baby boomers need to make more money and supplement their income. Let's face it. A lot of us got wiped out in the past several years. From foreclosures to 401k's, many have been left fending for themselves. So what do you do?

Many are looking for money or jobs elsewhere. But have you considered this? In a marketplace full of promising get rich quick businesses, few pay off and 50% of the people who try them quit. If you were introduced to an all natural pill that has twenty university studies happening right now because it's considered so potent, and because it was featured on ABC Primetime, would you consider it? Called Protandim, it's stock has leapt in 3 weeks because of a study from The Ohio State University demonstrating its impact upon minimizing heart disease. Combine that with pending studies on arthritis, diabetes, and inflammation, and you have a product (taken once a day for only $40 a month) that fights free radicals which is the cause of virtually all disease.

As we age, free radicals run wild. Everything today promises anti-oxidants to fight these free radicals, but they're proving impotent, because free radicals multiply so fast. Compare Protandim and wine for a minute. You would have to drink over 200 glasses of red wine to equate to one Protandim pill in the morning!!!

Developed by Dr. Joe McCord over 30 years, he's received numerous prizes for his work, and if you've ever wanted to be at the beginning of a product (like Amway twenty years ago), and not the end, here's your chance.

It's a fantastic business opportunity, because it's hardly known in the US and just about to expand to Australia and the Philippines. Let's face it, all boomers want something besides the pharmacy of pills many of us have on our counter, and this can begin to save money and space. Watch the Primetime video and look at the business possibilities to get your nest egg back!

5 Website Savvy, Yet Simple Steps to Launch Your Product or Service   Infoprenuer Ideas: Little Niche Sites Will Keep You Poor   I Have a New Product Now - How Can I Sell It Online?   Integrated Product Launching Strategies   Promoting and Marketing Your Online Product   There Is More to a Product Launch Than Merely Marketing - Book Review   

Simplify and Prosper

Internet marketing and information products are some of the most beautiful things in the world because of how simple it is to make them, set them up & run them.

The problem is that due to their simplicity people tend to want to over complicate matters.

When it comes to the S.E.O for your product hiring a company that is going to charge you ridiculous sums just to set up 'search listings' is ridiculous. You can register your page with every search engine by yourself and they actually show you how.

Every search engine uses 'spiders' to 'crawl' your page. These are programs that simply scan your page looking through what is on it to determine where to place it in search results. There will be a line of code that you will be given by the search engine to put in your homepage source code that will alert the bot to the fact that you're there when it is 'in your neighbourhood.'

Next when it comes to promoting your product you can really do all of your marketing yourself. If you are going to hire a company to send off a million emails for you you're basically wasting money. For the same price you can buy e-mail delivery software, buy a consumer list and send them off yourself. It will take a bit of research but I assure you it will be worth it. This is because after doing it for one product you can do it for all of your subsequent ones.

What about design? What about it. Simply ask a University or college near by if any of their students are willing to do the work to add to their portfolio and for some extra cash. You'll be helping them have a foot up when they go in to the working world and you'll get quality designs for cheap.

Expanding to new products? Then begin to view your company as an enterprise with many subsidiaries and draw up a larger plan for advertising factoring in each separately.

For every question, there is an answer. For every problem there is a solution.

All you have to do is simplify and you will prosper.

Thank you for your time and have a Beautiful Day.

5 Website Savvy, Yet Simple Steps to Launch Your Product or Service   Infoprenuer Ideas: Little Niche Sites Will Keep You Poor   I Have a New Product Now - How Can I Sell It Online?   Integrated Product Launching Strategies   Promoting and Marketing Your Online Product   There Is More to a Product Launch Than Merely Marketing - Book Review   

Three Reasons You Might Possibly Choose To Employ a Mentor for Your Online Business

Exactly why might you, or anybody, for that matter, choose to employ a mentor for your online business? In general, the advantages over-shadow the disadvantages when you look into that idea. Lots of people never really begin with it owing to inertia. Folks are sometimes stopped for a shortage of current info. Some fear the unknown and never try it out. Some never get started because they don't know where or how one can begin. Other times it might be because they do not know the possibilities of doing it or its potential benefits.

As soon as you grasp how this works, one's vision clears and prospective obstacles seem less complicated or important. Understanding is vital. Exactly why might someone just want to employ a mentor for your online business? Let's consider three powerful motivators that will help us understand the reasons why:

For starters, A mentor will help you develop your online business, from idea to launch. O.K., clearly your point that a mentor can be expensive for you is likely valid. Still, we ought to take into consideration that having a mentor will help you to succeed in your online business much quicker than going it alone..

The second is, your mentor will provide you with the help you need in starting your online venture. Also, he or she will provide you with the advice on how to avoid the pitfalls they made when they were starting out.. And also he or she will be able to provide you with a useful list of contacts to help you to launch your online venture successfully.

And finally, although mentors can be expensive, providing you do your research, they will end up saving you money in the long term.. Which means that you will be far more likely to succeed, while those who do it alone, are far more likely to lose their money that they have invested, due to costly mistakes. And again, you gain since you also create a relationship with someone who know what they are doing, and they will be far more likely to want to work with you in the future, while introducing you to their friends who are also successful marketers!

Think of those 3 reasons. If you employ a mentor for your online business, wouldn't you enjoy some of those benefits? Now, just think about that. Wouldn't you like to enjoy all those positive aspects?

Others have found these to be irresistible. How could you resist what others discovered to be irresistible? Perhaps you too should employ a mentor for your online business.

5 Website Savvy, Yet Simple Steps to Launch Your Product or Service   Infoprenuer Ideas: Little Niche Sites Will Keep You Poor   I Have a New Product Now - How Can I Sell It Online?   Integrated Product Launching Strategies   

Setting Up A Business Made Easy

Okay, I'm going to outline a very simple way that You can have a business up and running in less than a day.

First what You are going to do is buy a PLR product. Simply search in Google for 'private label rights products' or 'PLR products.'

After this sift through the ones that You have found for sale until You find something that You are interested in and would be able to promote.

Next buy the product and download it.

After this You're going to read through the book, make any changes that You would like to have seen made and also change the name on the copyright information to Yours.

Next, buy a domain and hosting for Your new website. The cheapest that I know of at the moment is an offer by Nexx that is $10 setup for a whole year. The next would be DotEasy that offer a free basic hosting plan and domain setup for $25 a year.

Make sure that the name You pick is related to Your product, easy to remember and catchy.

If You have a PayPal account already then verify it and change it to a business account. The steps to do this can all be found on the pay pal website. Make a buy now button for Your product using the tools that PayPal give You.

All You will have to do is copy and paste the code in to Your PLR product's sales page which is provided in the package.

Next go to Your private label right sales page and open it using notepad. Go to the part in the code where the buy now button is placed and paste the code from the PayPal buy now button page.

Upload the whole new edited PLR package one file at a time to Your new website server & voila Your business is online!

Make sure that everything works by visiting Your page and testing out Your buy now button. Also make sure that the page where people are directed after making a payment is in good working condition.

Now the promotion begins but wasn't that the easiest business set up ever?! I think so.

Thank You for reading and have a great day!

5 Website Savvy, Yet Simple Steps to Launch Your Product or Service   Infoprenuer Ideas: Little Niche Sites Will Keep You Poor   I Have a New Product Now - How Can I Sell It Online?   Integrated Product Launching Strategies   Promoting and Marketing Your Online Product   

Launch Fear

So you've spent over a year building your website, done a whole lot of testing, re-designs and obstacles to overcome...and you're ready to launch your new website when the fear takes over.

If you have or are currently suffering from "launch fear" I'm guessing you are or have found yourself at a stand still, with doubts creeping in and taking over your thoughts, preventing you from taking the leap to launch your website or business.

To get perspective, I wrote down what I was scared of and the reasons why these fears were holding me back. That way I could look at it logically and I actually realised the fears I had were dressed up as "what if's" and excuses not to take the next step.

By writing them down I got the drive and passion back and started to change my thought patterns to use my fears as a positive motivational tool. I realised that having fears was no bad thing, it proves you care about it.

Here are the fears I had and how I see those fears now:

What if nobody wants to pay for our products/services?

Put the customer at the heart of the business and make sure your offerings meet their needs. Remember: people will always pay for value.

What if you grow too quick and you can't cope?

Walk, don't run. With your end goal in mind, work backwards using small steps that are easier to manage.

Will growth mean we will lose what we have already built up?

Not if you keep your core values at the centre of your business, but at the same time, be flexible and take opportunities when they present themselves.

Will success mean potential failure?

A new business will take time to learn, mistakes are bound to be made but this is normal and part of the process. If you talk to any successful person they will tell you that making mistakes has been a vital part of their journey to success in order for them to grow and improve.

Does success mean people will expect a higher standard of you and what if you cannot provide that standard?

Let go of that perfectionism, nothing and nobody is ever perfect. Do everything you possibly can within your control to do a good job and accept that things won't go right all the time.

Will the business sustain enough revenue over time?

It is a well known fact that new businesses rarely make substantial profits early on. Follow a customer focused strategy and be persistent in offering a valuable service and your persistence will pay off. Many businesses fail because they give up when the going gets tough. So, if certain things don't appear to work, find new ways of doing them and keep going until it works.


Tips to motivate you:

Read books - if you read about other successful people some of their wisdom is bound to rub off on you.

Networking - you will meet people who are in a similar situation to you and you can share your experiences, talk through your concerns and ask questions to the people who know exactly what you are going through.

Get some free advice - there is wealth of information and advice available to support new business start ups. Business Link is a government advisory service online, offering free expert advice and tools to guide you in starting up your own business. Check your local area for a Business Link centre where you can go to discuss your idea or any concerns with an expert business mentor. See for more information.

Always remember: anything worth doing is scary! It won't be easy but if you have the passion, drive and determination - anything is possible!

Best Wishes,

Cassie Lang

(Insp1re's Project Development Manager)

Have you experienced launch fear? What were your fears?

5 Website Savvy, Yet Simple Steps to Launch Your Product or Service   Infoprenuer Ideas: Little Niche Sites Will Keep You Poor   I Have a New Product Now - How Can I Sell It Online?   Integrated Product Launching Strategies   

What Is Kajabi?

Anyone that has tried to sell a product online knows the challenge of finding a solid marketing platform.

Until recently, Internet marketing was limited by needing several different programs to accomplish a successful sale.

Kajabi changes everything!

First off, the system puts everything in one clean package - marketing campaigns, sales funnels, and product launches. The process is so easy, you can focus your time on successful web marketing as opposed to wrestling with your delivery system.

Secondly, the system enables you to turn a prospect into a buyer - in an easy to follow path.

Today people are looking for quality content. It is not enough to offer a membership site; it needs to be loaded with information.

The challenge is that delivering content can be overwhelming - and destroy the user's experience. Kajabi's clean look and easy to follow funnel ensures that no one gets left behind from introduction to shopping cart.

Some of the features include:


Easily marketing pages, squeeze pages, video pages, sales letters, and product information pages. Furthermore, the user does not need to know any fancy "coding" to pull off a great looking site.

Publish and Promote

Let's face it, everybody has a different idea when it comes to SEO and how best to go about it. With Kajabi, anything you create will be instantly on the web. Keywords included!


At the end of the day, if you are like me, you are looking for a way to sell your product - not just give it away. Design the system however you like including membership sites, ongoing trainings modules, and product launches. It really becomes an easy to deliver online business.

Finally someone has looked at what Internet marketing needed to reach the next level and created a solid platform that makes life, and sales, easier.

5 Website Savvy, Yet Simple Steps to Launch Your Product or Service   Infoprenuer Ideas: Little Niche Sites Will Keep You Poor   I Have a New Product Now - How Can I Sell It Online?   Integrated Product Launching Strategies   Promoting and Marketing Your Online Product   There Is More to a Product Launch Than Merely Marketing - Book Review   

Woodworking - Free Plans

Woodworking is a home based passion cherished by many do-it-yourself (DIY) enthusiasts. Plans are always necessary to succeed in any building project. From constructing the small bird house, to the large dresser drawers, a steady supply of woodworking plans allows you to build projects quickly and easily. Free plans remove the barrier to plan acquisition. Sometimes free plans are not always great plans. The cost of buying woodworking plans is often offset by the satisfaction your finished projects deliver.

Many people try to include their kids in their woodworking projects. Sometimes, minimal sanding by a little one can instill a sense of pride in a job-well-done by the youngster. Sometimes, even if their only involvement was painting or some sanding, you can give children credit for the entire project. While it may push the project timeline a bit longer, the look in their eyes is worth the extra time. When children complete a woodworking craft self-confidence increases. Kids' parents who involve them in their woodworking projects grow to become self-thinkers and many continue their love of crafts and woodworking into their own adulthood.

Many older woodworkers are on the lookout for quality woodworking plans that will allow them to build quality gifts for their grandkids. Grandkids love involvement in these types of projects. From small Christmas tree ornaments to bird-houses, the little ones just love painting and the older ones love the cutting of the wood and the finishing work. Finding plans for woodworking projects is no longer a challenge like it was years ago. Now you simply go online and buy whatever plans you want.

Most woodworkers know that a good project always starts with a good set of plans, and some of the plans available are better than others. The very best plans include many details as well as pictures of the finished product and a detailed materials lists with suggestions for tool use. Not everyone has a home wood-shop that has the perfect tool for the perfect project, so some substitutes are necessary. From saws to sanding options, there are various ways to do things. The best plans will recommend the best tool to cut the wood. However, great plans take this a step further and tell you that if you don't have that tool, you can use another tool instead.Great plans will help you be a better woodworker. They allow you to become quite proficient at woodworking.

Without a good plan, projects tend to fail. Now of course, there are those that build items without plans. And yes, those work sometimes. However, for most of us, quality plans encourage better craftsmanship for our projects.

When you build a rocking chair for a child or grandchild you want it as sturdy as possible, and to last a lifetime or even multiple lifetimes. It not only has to look good, but not fall apart or collapse under the use (or miss-use) by your kids and grandkids. You should always choose to use quality workmanship, good products and great project plans.

For a variety of reasons the growth and popularity of families becoming involved in DIY woodworking projects has increased dramatically over the past few years. New cable television channels dedicated to DIY projects are continually popping up. An enormous amount of online resources are available with a simple search. The feeling of satisfaction by creating a project and finishing it yourself has no equal. When creating your own furniture, toys, sheds or even a backyard deck and being able to say you built that yourself is immensely rewarding. With great project plans comes better chances of great success. When you choose your woodworking plans, remember to assess their quality and don't be fooled by so-called free plans.

Home Decoration And DIY

Home decoration and DIY is something that some people have a real interest in and are able to become quite skilled at. Although these two things are linked they are very different from each other and people will usually have a real skill for one and not the other. Decorating requires an eye for style and design whereas DIY is a much more hands on job that requires skill, technique and patience.

Decorating a home does not really have a defined right or wrong because at the end of the day it is down to the person who lives in the home to decide what suits them. However many people can define something as stylish and will appreciate something that is well put together as opposed to a miss match of personal touches. Being able to see colours and imagine them together in interesting ways is a skill that only some people have. Being able to envision an end product and know exactly how you will carry it out to get there is not an easy task.

Do it yourself jobs are followed through more carefully to instructions and have a much more definite sense of right and wrong. If something is not made correctly or the first step is input wrongly then the more you carry on with a project, the more the mistakes will become more and more apparent. If something does not fit correctly then you would have to keep going back and checking through each stage carried out. This could be fitting a door frame or moulding, putting up a shelf, putting up a fence etc.

With home decoration you will rarely need tools, only at the beginning stages once deciding to paint and wallpaper walls. You will of course need some paint brushes, wallpaper paste and a pasting table. Once this stage is out of the way the job becomes more about the accessories and finishing touches which will require no physical work. DIY requires a box full of tools including screwdrivers, hammers, spirit level and many more. You should ensure you have all you need before starting a project. There is nothing worse than getting into the swing of things to only find out you are missing something important and vital to completion. No matter which of the two of these, or perhaps both, you are interested in, keep carrying them out on your own home and experimenting to progress your skill.

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